While swimming during periods what precautions are to taken? How to use a tampoon during that? What are the hazards of using a tampoon? How does one urinate having tampoon inserted in the Vagina? asked Mar 25 '13 at 01:23 Vinita Jain |
i only use tampons during swimming, and change immediately after so i use the changing break to pee. if you don't have an option though, you could just hold the string back while you pee. i didn't have any issues so i wouldn't know what the hazards are. just make sure you get the right size! the ones i initially bought ended up being too big and were incredibly uncomfortable. it's all good otherwise :) it's probably better to get a menstrual cup (as an fb commenter pointed out), but tampons will do perfectly well in a fix. answered Apr 03 '13 at 05:26 shwootee |
I too started using tampons while I started swimming. There are three openings down there. Urethra, vagina and anus. We pee from urethra and tampon is inserted into vagina coz that's where from the menstrual blood comes.One can easily pee while the tampon is inside. Tampon must be changed once in 8 hours to avoid any case of TSS(http://kidshealth.org/teen/sexual_health/girls/tss.html). If you are located in India you can get tampons from Medical shops or from Planet Health, tampons are very comfortable. answered Apr 03 '13 at 07:56 aditigupta ♦ |