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my periods are always late and this time its 10 days late....pls help me .....i masturbate ...should i stop.. going to doctor doesn't help what shuld i do i m 16

asked Oct 06 '13 at 01:34

nam's gravatar image


Indeed, masturbation will not affect the regularity or length of your cycle. If this cycle length is normal for you, that's fine ~ it is just how your body is. As Aditi says, it may take some years for periods to become regular.

Importantly, ensure you know your fertile time, either by calculating it (38d periods = fertile peak 19d after the FIRST DAY of your last menstrual period, so avoiding sex/using protection from the 16th-22nd day from the FIRST DAY of your last period, and using protection otherwise, will help avoid unwanted pregnancy), or learning to listen to your body by monitoring your cervical mucous (Google 'Billings method' for this information) would be a good idea.

I hope this information is reassuring and helpful.


answered Feb 28 '14 at 00:30

Mischa's gravatar image


After your first period, it can take two three years for the periods to become regular. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet. Avoid unnecessary stress. Masturbation cannot cause your periods to come earlier or later.


answered Oct 09 '13 at 15:22

aditigupta's gravatar image

aditigupta ♦

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Asked: Oct 06 '13 at 01:34

Seen: 3,389 times

Last updated: Feb 28 '14 at 00:30

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