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Dear Menstrupedia

this is about my Mom: She is past 50 years old and is going through Menopause since the past 3-4 years and her menstrual cycle has not yet completely stopped. the cycle varies like once in 6 months or so! She remains depressed with no urge to work or involve in anything and just sleeps all day. and doesnt get proper sleep at night! also sometimes she jumps back to activity suddenly and retrieves energy which gradually goes back to less and less of it and then back to depression! this cycle has been going on for past 3 years as i said! we consulted many ayurvedic and allopathic and all kinds of doctors but nothing has shown results! I have heard of women who never heal back from this state! i am worried about my mom and want her normal health back so tht she can have a healthy life! I want to know if there are any asanas and other remedies that can be useful or any other advice u can give?

asked Jan 25 '14 at 12:24

sms's gravatar image


Hi, I am so sorry to hear your Mum is so affected by this. Some women sail right through menopause, and others experience these symptoms. Depression is a common symptom of hormone imbalance (menopause) and rest assured, her body WILL eventually readjust and she WILL get back to 'normal'.

May I suggest going to a medical doctor ~ a GP ~ if possible, and requesting a blood test/hormone level check? It is possible for a GP to prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help her body adjust to its new state. This may cause some side-effects of its own, but likely not as severe as what your Mum is currently experiencing. On the herbal side, Red Clover tablets can help with the physical symptoms (hot flushes, night sweats, shakiness, etc). Any herbal remedy for depression like St John's Wort may assist her mental state.

She needs to pay attention to her calcium intake (and Vitamin C and iron intake, as these affect calcium absorption), as women going through 'change-of-life' are particularly susceptible to Osteoporosis (bone brittleness).

Whatever you do, please try to reassure her that everything will be ok once her body adjusts to her new, lower hormone levels, although this may take some time yet. With effective treatment, she will be on the road to recovery sooner. Try to motivate her to stay active, include her in a daily walk (sunshine will greatly help her depression levels), and the activity will keep her bones strong and her mind and body active, assisting in the regulation of her hormone levels. Love and hug her as much as you can (these release beneficial hormones into her system, too) and remind her that it is a hard period of adjustment, but it's not forever. She will recover. Good on you for supporting your Mum through this very difficult time, and good luck.


answered Feb 27 '14 at 23:00

Mischa's gravatar image


Most women do not need treatment of menopausal symptoms. Some women find that their symptoms go away by themselves, and some women just don't find the symptoms very uncomfortable. But if you are bothered by symptoms, there are many ways to deal with them, including medications and lifestyle changes. There are lots of menopausal supplements available in the market which actually work on menopausal symptoms.


answered Sep 18 '14 at 05:00

anneyauster's gravatar image


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Asked: Jan 25 '14 at 12:24

Seen: 5,248 times

Last updated: Sep 18 '14 at 05:00

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