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Hi, am 19.Some people say that the pubic hair grown near penis, scrotum have to be shaved.Some say not to be done.I wash the portion everyday while bathing.Kindly let me know whether to remove the hair or not?

asked May 16 '14 at 09:02

masturbation's gravatar image


Trimming your pubic hair is a matter of personal preference. If you wash your groin region clean regularly there is no need to worry about hygiene further. Keep your groin region dry. Make sure you wear pure cotton underwear that is not too tight. This will let air circulate and help in keeping the region dry.


answered May 16 '14 at 09:40

karijoh's gravatar image

karijoh ♦♦

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Asked: May 16 '14 at 09:02

Seen: 4,906 times

Last updated: May 16 '14 at 09:40

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