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I am really worried and this is a big problem and panic when it happens. So it all happens suddenly from nothing , there are appearing like "blind spots" in my vision , then there appears really annoying blinking and bright like spots . Blinking spots are all over my vision and i cant see. As shown in the picture i look at the red dot , and everything is blurred , that happens too , i have to concentrate my vision in 1 spot to be able to see something , around that spots everything is like a big blind fields. When this occurs there start to appear headaches . The worst part is that i cant talk and think. I cant say any word and i am stuttering . And i cant really think , i was doing some easy math exercises when this thing happened and i red the easiest exercise and i didnt understand what did i just read and i could think how to do it. Only solution to this is sleep , when i sleep it is all over but the headaches are still there , but they arent strong. Also my tongue starts tingling.

I dont worry about anything in my life and there isnt much stress . I sleep about 7 hours in the school time . When this occured at the school before luch time i eat lunch and it got a little bit better. I eat 4 times a day and healthy food.

I had magnetic resonance and EEG and everything was fine.And i went to neurologist, who couldnt say what is my problem.

I hope that i can get any help , because i am really worried. I am just 16 years old. It started to happen 2 years ago and when i left judo trainings, i dont know if this can happens only because lack of exercise , right now i sometimes play football with my friends.

Thanks , and i am really looking forward for answer.

asked Jun 20 '14 at 16:15

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Asked: Jun 20 '14 at 16:15

Seen: 2,009 times

Last updated: Jun 20 '14 at 16:15

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