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I recently started myself on Overal-L (combined ovarian contraceptive pill) but I am not sure when exactly do start the second packet. Do I wait for the first day of my next period to start the second packet because the doctor has advised me to take 21 day tablets starting at the first day of my period?

asked Jun 20 '13 at 03:59

anonymous's gravatar image


The simple answer

The only way to take the pill is summarized by the simple slogan “three weeks on, one week off” and you start your first packet of combined OC pill, on the first day of your period. We are talking about a packet of 21 pills of combined estrogen and progesterone containing tablets. The second package starts exactly 7 days after the first 21 pills are over, does not matter when you get your period..

More details

The oral contraceptive pill is said to be as important as women’s employment in assuring women’s liberation from their traditional social status. It was invented in early sixties and has been controversial ever since.

It is said to be the most successful contraception method, even better than tubal ligation or permanent sterilization! It is almost fail-proof if you take it in the correct most manner, do not miss any pill and do not have other medications especially antibiotics. But the correct method to take the pill is ill understood by women and I suspect a large number of doctors. Actually the correct method is the most simple thing to do and remember, basically 3 weeks on and 1 week off.

Generally, your period tends to come 5-6 days after you finish the packet of 21 pills. But it does not matter if it comes seven days later or ten. Your next set of pills should start as soon as the seven day gap period is completed. Gradually your cycle will fall in a pattern which will then continue until the time you are taking OC pill.

In India some pills are sold in a 28 day packet. These contain 21 white tablets which are the actual hormonal OC pill. The other seven tablets are hematinics mainly iron and vitamins. If you have one of these packets, then the rule is take one pill a day starting from the white pill and once those 21 pills are finished start the red pills and once the seven pills are finished again start with the white pills.Effectively it is still the same three weeks on with the hormonal pills and one week off hormones when you are taking the iron tablets. This system of adding 7 non-hormonal tablets in the package allows you to remember to take a pill a day, without having to remember the "no pill" days.

How to manage forgotten pills, when to take additions and actions with an antibiotic, what about other sequence, what is the progesterone pills etc. all these questions I will answer elsewhere. Benefits and problems of OC pills as well, I have answered elsewhere.


answered Jun 20 '13 at 04:04

Dr%20Bhide's gravatar image

Dr Bhide

edited Jun 20 '13 at 09:10

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Asked: Jun 20 '13 at 03:59

Seen: 8,865 times

Last updated: Jun 26 '13 at 04:37

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