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So i had unprotected sex once and took the emergency contraceptive named i-Pill 2 days after that. within 10 days I got bleeding (periods) , which was 12 days before the expected date . Maybe its my fear, but I notice that the blood loss after that pill is very thin , which was earlier very thick and solid-like. Its been months and my periods have become regular , but I keep getting these scary thoughts that it was too strong a pill and I might face difficulty when I actually want to become a mother .

do emergency contraceptives hamper chances of future pregnancy ???

asked Sep 14 '13 at 11:25

priyamehra's gravatar image


Emergency contraceptive pill affects only your immediate fertility by making the existing endometrial lining unfit for a fertilized egg to plant itself. It does not affect your fertility in the long term. If you are getting periods regularly, you can be assured that you are regularly ovulating and therefore you can conceive a baby if you want. It is normal for the consistency and color of the blood during periods to vary.


answered Sep 15 '13 at 07:36

aditigupta's gravatar image

aditigupta ♦

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Asked: Sep 14 '13 at 11:25

Seen: 4,895 times

Last updated: Sep 15 '13 at 07:36

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