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Last time, I was late for 7 days and had cramps in lower abdomen. Doctor told me it is due to very thick lining (+2.8) of uterus. He prescribed me Provera (Medroxypr AC 10mg) for 10 days. I took first one at night & got periods on the very next day so I stopped taking that. Normally I bleed for 6-7 days but this time I had bleeding for only 4 days. So I took provera on my 5th & 6th day. 7th days I noticed many rashes on my face & lips were tooo much dry. So I again stopped taking it. I am currently on cycle day 13th. I am not sure if my thick lining got shed at that time or it can create problem again? Do you think I should take remaining 7 Provera tablets now? My cycle length normally is of 30 days and I have not ovulated till now. I am in too much confusion as what to do if I still have that thick lining. Please help!!

asked Sep 24 '13 at 15:34

Gaytri's gravatar image


The Dr on this site answers a similar Question by responding that all the lining will have been shed during menstruation. See the similsr Q box, at lower right of this page for that answer. The Q is "Too much uterus lining shed during periods." I am not a doctor so cannot answer your Q on medications. Good luck with your health concerns.


answered Oct 12 '13 at 11:36

Mischa's gravatar image


edited Oct 13 '13 at 12:56

aditigupta's gravatar image

aditigupta ♦

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Asked: Sep 24 '13 at 15:34

Seen: 5,467 times

Last updated: Oct 13 '13 at 12:56

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