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I am 42 years old. I had a D&C & removal of a benign uterine polyp and irregular periods about 6 months ago. The procedure went normal & I went back to the same periods afterward. Two weeks ago I started my period and a couple of days into it I shed a thick,sack-like fleshy/grey colored tissue that appeared to be the lining of my uterus. I have had several quarter sized clots for several days & continued bright red bleeding. I am still bleeding 2 weeks later & continue to have smaller clots & bright red blood. I have not experienced the cramping that I usually do with my periods. I now have no insurance, so cannot make an appointment with my gynecologist. Is this at all normal after shedding a thickened lining of uterus? What could be going on?

asked Oct 01 '14 at 09:39

staceylynn's gravatar image


I do not know what could have caused your symptoms, but they definitely sounds like this could be a medical concern. I recommend you contact the doctor who performed your D&C or your gynecologist. If that isn't an option for you, please look for a free medical clinic in your community. You can also ask a doctor to see you, then make payment arrangements for the bill. Please take good care of yourself and always get your medical needs seen to by a doctor.

Last year on this site Dr. Bhide explained the normal process of endometrium shedding when he answered a Question about it. You can click on the link from the word "Question" in the last sentence to read Dr. Bhide's explanation of endometrium shedding. You might also find his explanation in a similar Question box in the lower right of this page. The Question is "Too much uterus lining shed during periods."


answered Nov 05 '14 at 20:41

Monica902's gravatar image

Monica902 ♦

edited Nov 05 '14 at 20:44

How are you doing? This happened to me 4 nights ago so I wanted to come on here to ask about it and saw that you did already. Were you able to find care? Regards


answered Feb 12 '15 at 01:57

triciadica's gravatar image


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Asked: Oct 01 '14 at 09:39

Seen: 6,724 times

Last updated: Feb 12 '15 at 01:57

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