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During the first two days of a girl's period, should she be less mobile and avoid running/ skipping/ jumping etc.?

asked Oct 28 '12 at 02:49

A_M's gravatar image


The degree of mobility depends on girl to girl while the first two days of their periods. A few girls get less menstrual cramps and a few get severe menstrual cramps on the first 2 days of there periods. A few girl find swimming(using a tampon while swimming) quite relaxing during the 1st 2 days of there periods. Yoga is equally beneficial. A good physical activity like a walk, swimming, yoga can help in avoiding the bloating, cramping, fatigue, irritability and depression feeling one have during their periods. Walking, cycling, swimming or any other aerobic activity done for 30 mins does not not affect the cycle or health.





answered Nov 01 '12 at 05:42

aditigupta's gravatar image

aditigupta ♦

edited Mar 03 '13 at 10:39

During periods staining issue is quite normal,specially if you are into sports.I use adira period panty and i must say it prevents staining 100%. They have adira sports period panty.Cotton and comfy.


answered May 25 '13 at 06:52

Ria%20Dilip's gravatar image

Ria Dilip

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Asked: Oct 28 '12 at 02:49

Seen: 6,180 times

Last updated: May 25 '13 at 06:52

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