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I always found that when I wish that period come at that time or that day so that it becomes easy for me to remain stressfree and to handle them at my choice of time then it happened that it comes at that exact time. Even in my previous period cycle, on third day I need to go to out of station but I was very worried because I was bleeding heavy. So then I wished that the flow should reduce so that I can enjoy that family picnic and magically it happens. That day my flow get too low and all my crumps get away and not only that when I reached home my flow get normal again. I really wants to know what magic always work for me for my menstruation that it not only managed so well but also ruled by me that when and where and how it should come?;)

asked Jun 08 '16 at 06:01

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Asked: Jun 08 '16 at 06:01

Seen: 3,928 times

Last updated: Jun 08 '16 at 06:01

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