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hi.. my age is 23.from last two months i am having menses once in 15 days(approximately). i e.menses in between two regular periods.i usually used to have periods once in (38 to 40)days.is this a problem? and from few days i am feeling that there is a strange small structure in my left chest. i can feel it when i touch it with my hand.there is no pain.i don't know it was there previously or not.does it occur because of irregular periods?can you please tell me is this normal for all or a sign of some kind of problem.

asked Mar 11 '14 at 04:08

pari's gravatar image


If there is a lump in your breast, you should get it checked by a doctor. Don't take it lightly. Periods do not have any effects on breasts. The medical term for bleeding in between periods is Metrorrhagia, also commonly known as mid cycle bleeding or mid cycle spotting. There can be numerous causes for it and only a doctor would be able to tell you the cause for it.


answered Apr 14 '14 at 02:22

karijoh's gravatar image

karijoh ♦♦

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Asked: Mar 11 '14 at 04:08

Seen: 4,111 times

Last updated: Apr 14 '14 at 02:22

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