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I accidentally had unprotected intercourse on the first day of my period and i took the emergency pill (morning after pill) the next day i.e on the second day. I got my period on 12th may 2016 and till now i havent stopped bleeding. Its been more than 10days.Its not heavy but its enough to wear a regular normal sanitary napkin. Im worried! Is something wrong?

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked May 22 '16 at 14:11

Ckonsam's gravatar image


edited May 22 '16 at 14:12

The medical term for bleeding in between periods is Metrorrhagia, also commonly known as mid cycle bleeding or mid cycle spotting. There can be numerous causes for it and only a doctor would be able to tell you the cause for it.


answered May 25 '16 at 05:25

karijoh's gravatar image

karijoh ♦♦

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Asked: May 22 '16 at 14:11

Seen: 3,443 times

Last updated: May 25 '16 at 05:25

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