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I'm a 19 year old. I have got irregular periods for the past one year. I have also noticed excessive hair growth on my face, belly and hair loss on my scalp.

I met the doctor and he prescribed Duoluton for 3 month and told me to reduce my weight and I have reduced from 55kg to 47kg. My height is 5'2.5

I can wax to remove my excessive hair growth. But, what about hair loss? Will I get my thick hair back once when I reduce my weight?

I have done my thyroid test and everything seems to normal, then why is this happening? I have also notice my neck is a bit darker and I become chubby quickly immediately after eating sugary food.

If its about meeting a doctor, it will be possible only by November, because my schedule is hectic and my exams are approaching. Please Help Me.

Thank You

asked Sep 13 '14 at 17:32

Somiya's gravatar image


edited Sep 13 '14 at 18:01

Every women suffered through irregular periodsits severe side effects.I am dealing with menopause from last year and suffered a lot. But after using Brisdelle for my menopause I felt relax. For proper information you can read Brisdelle review here http://bit.ly/1xiwhBt

(Nov 06 '14 at 06:56) Vaileria Vaileria's gravatar image

Hi Somiya!

It's November now, so I hope you are able to plan to talk to your doctor about managing your health concerns.

I don't know if your doctor diagnosed you with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). I also don't know when your doctor prescribed the 3 months of Duoluton. Please follow up with your doctor to find out if your doctor wants you to stay on any medication.

Congratulations on achieving a healthier weight/body mass index (BMI) for you. Keep using good nutrition and exercise to maintain the weight your doctor recommends. Healthy eating and exercise are important for all of us, but they are especially important for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. If you have PCOS, maintaining good nutrition and a healthy weight will be important for staying healthy throughout your life.

Your scalp hair will not re-grow after you've lost weight, but you can treat your hair loss. Dermatologists can help women with PCOS, or any women, regrow their hair. Ask your doctor if you should try minoxidil (Rogaine).

Treat your hair gently and avoid anything that could break it. Softly squeeze it dry without rubbing it. Brush and wash it less often. Use volumizing shampoo. Buy combs and brushes that don't tug your hair. Don't dye your hair. Whenever you can, avoid elastic bands, blow dryers, and heat styling implements. Talk to your hair stylist about flattering hair styles that are very gentle on your hair. Parting your hair on the side and wearing it shorter may make it look more full.

Scalp hair loss is one symptom of PCOS that's caused by too much testosterone, an androgen hormone. All men and women have both testosterone and estrogen. When women have too much testosterone they may become hairier and lose hair from their scalp. Testosterone works the same way in men; it causes their hairiness and male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia).

Make sure you are eating lots of iron-rich foods like spinach because anemia is linked to hair loss. Eating foods rich in iron, zinc, biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein can help keep your hair healthy. If you have PCOS, choose low-fat, low-sugar, low-carbohydrate foods rich in these nutrients. Good choices include low-fat milk and yogurt, nuts and seeds, and, if you aren't vegetarian, eggs and fish. Look online for lists of fruits and vegetables with iron, zinc, and biotin.

High cholesterol and insulin levels accompany PCOS. That's why women with PCOS need to manage their nutrition carefully for life to avoid developing diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems. If you have PCOS, avoid certain fruits and vegetables that contain too much starch or sugar. Also, women with PCOS need to avoid certain legumes that are too starchy. Women with PCOS can eat some of these foods infrequently and in small amounts, if their doctor okays it. Careful eating is important for women with PCOS because they are at risk for developing diabetes. You can compare the starch and sugar content of different fruits, vegetables, and legumes by looking online or talking to a dietitian.

Reducing simple carbohydrates is good for everyone, but it's very important for women with PCOS. White rice, potatoes, and white bread are all simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are much more nutritious because they have fiber and they don't cause insulin levels to spike as badly. Whole grains, oatmeal, 100% whole grain bread, and brown rice are complex carbohydrates.

If you have PCOS, eat vegetables as much as you can, especially non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, onions, peppers, cabbage, eggplant, and tomatoes. You can look online for lists of simple and complex carbohydrate foods and recipes that use foods that are healthy for you. Also, look for lists of fruits, vegetables, and legumes that are sugary or starchy: eat these foods infrequently and in small amounts.

Finally, if you have PCOS, avoid sugary foods by having small portions on rare, special occasions. The sweeteners that are safe for people with diabetes are also safe for people with PCOS. Ask your doctor or a nutritionist about what foods are best for you.


answered Nov 06 '14 at 22:24

Monica902's gravatar image

Monica902 ♦

edited Nov 12 '14 at 13:15

Thanks Monica, for this answer! PCOS is more common than we think and such a well written answer will help many, looking for information on PCOS.

(Nov 08 '14 at 00:39) karijoh ♦♦ karijoh's gravatar image

Thank you, karijoh! You are right that PCOS is much more common than people think. Thankfully PCOS can be treated and well-managed, so women with PCOS can stay healthy and feel good.

(Nov 12 '14 at 13:00) Monica902 ♦ Monica902's gravatar image
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Asked: Sep 13 '14 at 17:32

Seen: 5,571 times

Last updated: Nov 12 '14 at 13:15

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