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For several months I had constant bleeding that wouldn't end. I set up an appointment with my Gynecologist to find out my body was not producing enough hormones and I had a thick uterus lining.. She prescribed me medroxyprogesterone to help me ovulate again and shed the thick lining in the uterus. I've experience some extremely painful back aches and heavy heavy bleeding which is my body shedding the thick uterus lining. Its beginning to be a pain, and working a full 40 hrs and constant moving, I cant seem to prevent any accidents anymore. Especially at night!! (Woken up to what looks like a murder scene) I just need to know there is a light at the end of this tunnel.

How long does it take to shed the Uterus lining?

asked Feb 09 '16 at 11:04

Helpless713's gravatar image


Oh, yikes! I have no clue, but hot water bottles should help at least. What worries me is that it sounds like you have an underlying problem - hormonal or otherwise - which caused this situation in the first place. WHY is your body not naturally producing enough hormones? If you don't know what caused this, then after the medroxyprogesterone cleans out your uterus the problem will come back. See an endocrinologist and an M.D.


answered May 25 '16 at 01:52

Laish500's gravatar image


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Asked: Feb 09 '16 at 11:04

Seen: 28,273 times

Last updated: May 25 '16 at 01:52

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