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Hi, I am 20 years old. My due date of period was 3rd March but I didn't got my periods till 8th march. So i started taking cinnamon tea and green tea. On third day,11th March My periods were started with heavy flow. It's 27 today and 17th day of my period but bleeding is not stopped yet. Due to this I am having weakness. Can u plzz tell me how can I stop bleeding bcozzz it's 17 day with heavy blood lose.

asked Mar 28 '15 at 05:11

Kajal's gravatar image


I think you should immediately consult with the doctor, as having irregular periods and having long-lasting periods for about more than 7 days both are serious issues that should not be neglected, you can also ask the doctor about using coupe menstruelle France during periods, so that to maintain your menstrual hygiene.


answered Oct 27 '15 at 01:55

paulinekerns's gravatar image


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Asked: Mar 28 '15 at 05:11

Seen: 4,006 times

Last updated: Oct 27 '15 at 01:55

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