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i usually get abdominal cramps during the first two days of my periods! is it normal? why do we get it anyways?

asked Apr 26 '13 at 23:54

rhino_white's gravatar image


edited Apr 29 '13 at 08:49

aditigupta's gravatar image

aditigupta ♦

It is very normal to get abdominal cramps during periods specially for the first 2-3 days. During periods, the inner lining of uterus is shed; the lower abdominal muscles have to work hard to push it outside. Due to the constant tension in these muscles, abdominal cramps is experienced which causes pain


answered May 08 '13 at 02:20

aditigupta's gravatar image

aditigupta ♦

edited Jul 19 '13 at 08:05

Dr%20Bhide's gravatar image

Dr Bhide

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Asked: Apr 26 '13 at 23:54

Seen: 18,629 times

Last updated: Jul 19 '13 at 08:05

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