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Going through the entire website elates me that there is so much information available that I would like everyone to know. I venerate the effort and really want to take the voice ahead. I just don't know how to reach out to most audience. Its available online and lets face it- not everyone between 9-13 visits it nor will their parents and guardians. I belong to Ranchi, Jharkhand. The challenge is how to let every one know we are there to answer questions that everyone has but no one asks because of this so called taboo associated. Should we partner with schools and request them for a work shop. If at all I do that- how do I go about conducting the workshop- any leads would be great.

Thanks Sikha

asked May 02 '14 at 05:04

sikhasingh's gravatar image


Just wait for the Menstrupedia comic to be completes and then you can contact any school to buy these comics and distribute it among the children. It is a great initiative to educate children about periods and puberty. Schools are the best way to reach out to a large group of children.


answered May 04 '14 at 04:54

RitikaDas's gravatar image



Hey Ritika,

Thats true, I am hoping to spread the word about the comic. Damm there are numerable deep rooted myths associated! The sad part is the whole shhhhh behind it. All we need to do it talk about it exactly how we do about eating, playing and shaving. I think the cause should be aggressively promoted. Puberty is a confused state for most adolescents. Sadly in the present scenario- by the time we learn to make peace with it- that phase of mental and physical turmoil is almost over. I know of several people including myself terrified of period for the first few years- when I look back- there was nothing to be scared about rather something to be celebrated rather.

(May 04 '14 at 07:51) sikhasingh sikhasingh's gravatar image

Sex education is still not that open in India and this could be a step closer educate children instead of letting them believe the myths.


answered May 04 '14 at 04:55

RitikaDas's gravatar image


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Asked: May 02 '14 at 05:04

Seen: 7,086 times

Last updated: May 04 '14 at 07:54

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