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My normal sign of periods are weight gain, body swallow and stomach and legs pain become soon.why it happens?is it normal? Is using any vaginal wash like "clean and dry" is safe on regular basis or we should use it on some critical cases. should i use such washes daily like soaps for skin? and why there is itching in vaginal area after having much acidic or fast foods? and why water flow much through vaginal area after drinking lots of water and before periods?? pls tell me abt all the answers this site is really awesome and so knowledgeable. i am really give 5 thumbs up to the founders of this site. thanks in advance for answering my questions:)

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asked Mar 18 '15 at 11:08

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grand life

wikified Mar 18 '15 at 11:09

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Asked: Mar 18 '15 at 11:08

Seen: 4,566 times

Last updated: Apr 11 '15 at 18:57

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