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I have been masterbating since i was 11 and now I am 15 and still do it daily. What are the problems that I may face in my later life like with not being able to get someone pregnant or maybe penis size decreasing? Please help! Also can it make my erection harder to gett?? help please!!!

asked Jul 30 '17 at 22:52

maleman123's gravatar image


It is not bad for you as long as you are in control. You might face later in life problems with getting erection of primature ejaculation if you do it only to get off quickly of you use a lot of visual aids (pictures, porn etc). But as long as you are doing iz in a safe and clean environment it should be fine. However, if you feel like it is too much maybe take some day off, just to be sure you are getting an addiction.


answered Aug 13 '17 at 15:10

Tulemme's gravatar image


It's actually perfectly healthy for males to masturbate regularly in order to ejaculate "old" semen and produce fresh semen. Usually, if you listen to your body and follow your own natural urges, this will regulate your masturbation in the healthiest way. If for whatever reason you do not masturbate, again you can trust your body to take care of itself through the natural involuntary release during sleep of built-up semen, a process known as wet dreams or I think in India they are called night falls.

The only reason to self-moderate how much you are masturbating is if you are doing it to such a degree that it is interfering with other parts of your professional or social life. Also, as was already mentioned, if you ejaculate quickly every time you masturbate then you will experience the same premature ejaculations when you are with a partner ... and as you will find out they nobody appreciates a quick ending to the fun! Ideally, the way you practice masturbation regularly will mimic and enhance your sex life. Therefore, it is important that you practice control during masturbation (i.e. maintaining and prolonging your erection) and that you use erotically realistic, positive, and healthy stimulation to become aroused. The majority of pornography available is not real and does not transfer into the bedroom, at least not in a way that is mutually consensual and pleasurable for all parties. You're better off creating fantasies using your own imagination, in the end it will make you a better lover.


answered Aug 21 '17 at 06:58

Petradakia's gravatar image


edited Aug 21 '17 at 07:55

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Asked: Jul 30 '17 at 22:52

Seen: 14,329 times

Last updated: Aug 21 '17 at 07:55

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