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I masturbated when i was jst 14 years old. I mostly masturbate 3 times a day and now im 20 years old. My penis has become small and weak and doesnt releases much sperms as before. What should i do to gain back my penis strength..and itz size... Plzz help me out!! It has become soft and small..the skin on it is more than the actual penis

asked Feb 09 '15 at 13:05

dangerous's gravatar image


(I agree this question is off-topic, this is likely not the best choice of forum. Otoh a precedent has been set, and this issue needs additional perspective, imho.)

So you think it's weak because you can't reach orgasm 3 times a day anymore? That's called normal, 3 times a puberty thing, not an adult thing. Testosterone levels skyrocket during puberty, that drives the urges, the physical need for release. This need subsides as T levels fall.

I suspect you have become habituated, and need to exercise some self-control. Also I wonder, with that kind of frequency you may be doing it in inappropriate places? If so you need to give that up, getting caught could ruin your live, and you don't want to become dependent on extreme situations to become aroused.

So make a rule for yourself, once per day in privacy, and stick to it. When old habits crop up, ask yourself, "do I really need to?" If you lack the self control to do that, you should probably seek professional help.


answered Aug 05 '16 at 05:52

mmcginty's gravatar image


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Asked: Feb 09 '15 at 13:05

Seen: 10,692 times

Last updated: Sep 29 '16 at 08:37

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