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i masturbate daily at nyt. but when i piss at morning i have get some pain in my penis and my piss is deep yellow .that's why i am always worried. and when i masturbate daily my penis not get so hard when i was in sex my penis is not so hard and it is a very embarrassing situation for me and a big thing is when i was using condom my penis is not erect. so please give me some solution for it

asked Mar 23 '14 at 02:50

suvam's gravatar image


edited May 05 '14 at 08:18

karijoh's gravatar image

karijoh ♦♦

If your urine is milky yellow, you should see a doctor but if it is "transparent yellow"(for lack of a better phrase) you should consume more water. A deep yellow urine is concentrated solution of urea, other body wastes and sometimes even toxins that the body is trying to get rid of and this may cause a burning sensation while passing urine in the morning. It is not good for your kidneys either. Drink lots of water. The color of urine is a very good indicator of whether your body needs more water or not. Drink enough water to prevent the urine from becoming too yellow.

Though there is no harm in masturbating daily except that may be you have become used to that kind of stimulation to get aroused instead of the stimulation you get during regular sex. Try not to masturbate for a couple of days before having sex. This will increase your sensitivity towards sexual stimulation and help you get aroused. Also keep your grip loose while masturbating.


answered Apr 14 '14 at 02:41

karijoh's gravatar image

karijoh ♦♦

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Asked: Mar 23 '14 at 02:50

Seen: 13,268 times

Last updated: May 05 '14 at 08:18

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