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I am 15 years old and I've seen my (kinda) breasts develop since I was 13, I am a guy, I'm not sure whether they are breasts or not, but that's not the problem, the problem is that my nipples are rounded, they are puffy, they literally stick out, this has caused me a lot of problems. I can't wear a t-shirt without an under shirt as my nipples would stick out, my nipples don't look like any other guy's. They only seem to be normal when I masturbate or when I bathe in cold water. This has led me into depression as I think that all of my future sex life is ruined. I want this to be fixed, any solutions? Height : 185 cm Weight : 76 Kg (yes, i'm over weight)

asked Oct 28 '14 at 15:29

Anonymous0499's gravatar image


Hello There

I have heard or seen guys talking about their breasts looking a bit enlarged than normal. Usually on the onset of puberty due to release of hormones this condition can occur. As read on the net its usually due to the body generating Testosterone (Responsible for male characteristics) in lesser amounts than Estrogen ( responsible for female characteristics ). The tissue usually should flatten over a period of time. You need not be depressed about it. As a matter of fact I also faced the same condition and I could see the effect more prominent on one side than the other. You mentioned that you are over weight, it could be just fat deposition as well. Pushups helped me quiet a lot. Get checked with a doctor if its fat or the tissue growth.

Regards Avenger


answered Nov 03 '14 at 05:18

Avenger's gravatar image


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Asked: Oct 28 '14 at 15:29

Seen: 12,826 times

Last updated: Nov 03 '14 at 05:18

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