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my dates of periods are between 28 to 3, but i have irregular periods,my period didn't come yet. last month the date of period was 26th and before that, was 3.i had s**x last 5-6 day but used protection.is it the reason for irregular period?

asked Jun 04 '13 at 04:36

ashi's gravatar image


Short answer

The basic query is whether having (protected) sex can be the cause of delayed period. The simple answer to our question is protected (or for that matter unprotected) sex will not change your period per se. Of course unprotected sex could get you pregnant but that will make you miss your period, not make your period irregular. But on a pragmatic mode unprotected sex is never a great idea unless ofcourse, you do want to be pregnant. Missing periods by and large makes a doctor think of pregnancy as the first diagnosis.

All you have to remember is how many days it was between the first day of the last period and the first day of the current period. If that is between 23 and 35 days, your periods are said to be regular.


It is true that anxiety of any sort can disturb your periods in a big way. However the general mechanism by which anxiety acts is through delaying or preventing ovulation. Ovulation is in some ways the cycle length determinant. After the day you ovulate, your period will happen 14 days later (if you are not pregnant, ofcourse). Anxiety can delay ovulation, which will make the periods entirely unpredictable, but once you have ovulated, anxiety for any reason wont change the date of your menses. This is simply because there is no mechanism to act against and over-ride the physiological hormonal events triggered by ovulation.

I am taking an opportunity to address a very common misunderstanding about what is meant by "regularity of cycles". A surprisingly large number of women expect their periods to follow the Gregorian calendar. To doctors, regularity means periods comes every 28 days plus/minus 5 days. You mentioned your periods come on 28th to 3rd of each month. That’s really expecting your menstrual cycle to be a bit of a perfectionist. A bit like Aamir Khan of hormonal behaviour. To get your period on 28th of every month would mean your cycle is 30 or 31 days, depending on how long the month is. I don’t think you need to expect such a level of regularity from your periods. If your cycle were 28 days long, if they happened on 28th day in January and in Feb they would happen on around 26th and in March on the 24th (fewer days in Feb) etc.


answered Jun 12 '13 at 14:27

Dr%20Bhide's gravatar image

Dr Bhide

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Asked: Jun 04 '13 at 04:36

Seen: 6,572 times

Last updated: Jun 12 '13 at 14:27

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