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Hello Sir/Ma'am,

May I know how can I prolong my periods for about 4 days with days any medicines. Is there any other way to prolong periods.

Thank You.

asked Aug 15 '13 at 09:14

Nj23's gravatar image


Hi, a question similar to your's exists already here: http://questions.menstrupedia.com/questions/159/less-blood-flow.

Here's a snippet from the answer posted by Dr Bhide, a practicing gynaecologist.

The short and simple answer to your question is there is, absolutely no need for you to want to “improve” your blood flow. One of the most common myths about the menstruation that it "removes bad blood and cleans your system". That is utter non sense. You must actually thank your stars that you have fewer problems and costs in managing your periods. Of course there are exceptions when it can be a sign of problems but in the vast majority of cases it is a variation of normal. And if there is a problem, surely home remedies wont be enough!


answered Aug 18 '13 at 12:49

tuhinpaul's gravatar image

tuhinpaul ♦

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Asked: Aug 15 '13 at 09:14

Seen: 4,782 times

Last updated: Aug 18 '13 at 12:49

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