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Which are safe days to have unprotected sex during menstrual cycle? Mine is very regular menstrual cycle of 30 days. So are there any days when we can have unprotected sex? Or is it advisable to use protection throughout the month?

asked Sep 03 '13 at 07:38

Shrey's gravatar image


If you are not trying to conceive, it is always advisable to have protected sex. Your chances of conceiving is the least during your periods but there is still a little chance of getting pregnant around that time since your ovulation can start much early unexpectedly.

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answered Sep 03 '13 at 16:23

aditigupta's gravatar image

aditigupta ♦

edited Sep 03 '13 at 16:26

There are not safe days, there are only relatively safer days. Pls use condoms with other contraceptive devices like IUD, OCP, Vaginal Rings.


answered Nov 26 '13 at 15:14

Adya's gravatar image


You can better understand your fertility cycle by charting your basal body temperature.

Please read Taking Charge of Your Fertility for more info. There is also the site: http://www.tcoyf.com

And if you are trying to get pregnant, you may find this site helpful for identifying your more fertile days: http://www.fertilityfriend.com


answered Mar 19 '14 at 04:14

Aravinda's gravatar image


edited Mar 19 '14 at 04:15

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Asked: Sep 03 '13 at 07:38

Seen: 9,288 times

Last updated: Mar 19 '14 at 04:15

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