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Hey! I have regularly got periods so far. But this time it was late by 4 days and also there is no blood loss I am worried with that knowing the consequences for the later part of my life. I did have an ayurvedic medicine rajpravartinivati, pineapples and cashews before 8 days of my date. My date was 24th and it happened to come on 28th this month with lot of pain. I faced drowsiness a lot. But since I've got my periods, I didn't have any kind of blood loss. Normally, when I consume the above things I mentioned, I've proper flow. Can it be because of the excitement when my results were declared and the other day too much of stress when percentage was declared? Is it that we get pimples if there's less flow or no blood flow? This has happened for the very first time in my life since I started getting periods. Hoping to have a reply soon.Thank You!

asked Jan 30 '15 at 01:25

Sam%20Sheth's gravatar image

Sam Sheth

Sometimes periods are light sometimes they're intense. You're ok! I had a really light period the last time. I mean, I felt like I didn't even have it. I went shopping, cleaned the house - all of my normal things. I forgot all about my period a few times, lol. This month my period was heavier the first day but I did have some mild cramping but Aleve took care of that. I've been taking more vitamins and eating more red meat. Since then I've had such better periods. Before, I would be in bed the first two days and my mother would have to take care of me and walk my dogs for me. Pain pills and heating pads wouldn't work I was in so much pain. I would just say don't panic, that it's ok and you won't have the same period twice lol.


answered Feb 08 '15 at 21:52

Abrooke's gravatar image


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Asked: Jan 30 '15 at 01:25

Seen: 5,858 times

Last updated: Feb 08 '15 at 21:52

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