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Hi Ladies i would Appreciate your Help!

i basically had unprotected sex with my friend. and after i start taking Provera 10 mg for 7 days once a day but missed two dose but took them as soon as i remembered.

whilst i came on my period on 28th June i had operation on 30th June and was prescribed Antibiotics (Co amoxiclav 250/125 MG) and my bleeding was heavy for 7 days as its normal when i take provera. i now have been having occasional spotting now its been 15 days.

i took Pregnanacy Test and i am negative so i thought i tell you this. :)

Is it due to the Antibiotics i been taking whilst on period or it is coz of the missed dose of provera?

I would Apprecuate all your answers Thank You!!


asked Jul 13 '14 at 14:13

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Asked: Jul 13 '14 at 14:13

Seen: 3,938 times

Last updated: Jul 13 '14 at 14:13

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