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I had unprotected sex with my partner just after 3 days my periods got over. It was a Sat night. I had ipill on Sunday and then again had sex on the same Sunday night and again had ipill on Monday. i got periods like blood discharge just after 2 weeks this happened and it lasted to 5-6 days. I again had periods like blood discharge exactly after 1 month. I believe that these blood discharges are my periods as i get the similar pain as i do during my normal periods. My question is: 1) is there any way that these blood discharges are not periods? 2) Is there any possibility that one can have periods during pregnancy?

Also, I get heavy flow on the 1st 2 days but then minimal flow the next 3 days. Is this a problem?

asked Apr 17 '14 at 18:35

Confidential's gravatar image


In case of doubt about pregnancy it is advisable to go for a pregnancy check. Could be through a doctor or using a home kit for pregnancy test. If the blood discharges have lasted for more or less the same duration as your periods then they are periods.


answered Jun 06 '14 at 11:52

Anupriya%20Marar's gravatar image

Anupriya Marar

I am afraid of heavy usage of I pill these days, these are not safe.May be these pill causes you heavy bleeding.please don't use it again be safe before use condoms. these i pill can cause severe problems you ahead.


answered Jan 06 '15 at 08:31

Medini's gravatar image


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Asked: Apr 17 '14 at 18:35

Seen: 5,527 times

Last updated: Jan 06 '15 at 08:31

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