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My age is 26years. I don't get enough blood in periods only two or thee drops and no pain.Previously i was having regular periods and pain during periods.But from last 1 year i have been suffering from this problem.I have gone through treatments and harmone tests but nothing worked.

Will I be able to conceive? I am really worried.

plz help me with its proper reasons,suggestons and remedies.

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked Feb 27 '13 at 02:43

akancha's gravatar image


edited Jul 20 '13 at 14:49

Dr%20Bhide's gravatar image

Dr Bhide

The condition of extremely light periods or scanty menstrual flow is medically known as Hypomenorrhea. It's a very common condition among girls and women and in many cases, not a reason to worry.



If your grandmother or mother had light periods then there is a high probability that your periods might be light too. This is normal and nothing to worry about. The ability to conceive in this case is not affected by this condition.

Hormonal imbalance

There are many hormones (estrogen, progesterone and more) that regulate the menstrual cycle. Using hormonal contraception methods like oral contraceptive pills cause hormonal imbalance leading to light periods. Hormonal imbalance can also result from stress.

Anorexia (extremely low body fat) or excessive exercise

Low body fat can cause your menstrual flow to lessen or even stop. Gaining some body fat to normal proportions can bring your periods back to regular.

Scarring of uterine lining

Scarring of uterine lining (also known as Asherman's syndrome) reduces the area of the inner lining of the uterus upon which the endometrium is formed leading to lesser menstrual flow.


If the tests have not pointed to anything unusual then treatment is not necessary for your light periods.


You can get an ovulation predictor kit to detect if you are ovulating or not. If you are ovulating then conceiving might not be a problem.





answered Mar 03 '13 at 10:02

aditigupta's gravatar image

aditigupta ♦

edited Mar 03 '13 at 10:32

Yes if your starting your period or if you are a grandma or older than it's normal.


answered Apr 11 '13 at 19:53

Horse%20Lover's gravatar image

Horse Lover

hi , I have mens yesterday small drops only because its my 1st day , but today my 2nd day nothing chance two to three drops , what shall I do ? I'm very worried this is my 1st time experience


answered Mar 30 '15 at 02:15

maemae's gravatar image


Hi,Im 35 yrs of age and turning 36 this coming January,since my teen years my menstrual cycle was irregular,sometimes 3months no period,but the flow was normal as in heavy in red color. But just last month it takes only a drops,I think 2-4 drops everyday and lasts for 7 days then this month it happen again.Im a bit worried,I dont know whats happening on my period. Please someone help me.


answered Oct 08 '15 at 05:24

meskhy's gravatar image


Hello Im 21 year old. From last two months in my period days There is no bleeding,only few drops and im sure that im not pregnant.please help me I'm worried.


answered Mar 22 '17 at 08:26

Juhiee's gravatar image


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Asked: Feb 27 '13 at 02:43

Seen: 269,505 times

Last updated: Mar 22 '17 at 08:26

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