my last period date was 29/10/2015. from 25/11/2015 i am feeling my periods will start as i can see reddish brown colour fluid coming out instead of usual white and it is also stinking the same way it does during periods. i also say small blood drops 2-3 times. i checked on net and found this is called as blood free period and one of its reasons is stress. im going through financial crisis and hence very stressed. but my major problem is im getting married next sunday i.e 6/12/2015 and i cant afford to get period during my marriage. i also consulted doctor regarding delaying my period as i though it may come during marriage as last month it had delayed this month also there was possibility. but now im facing this problem of blood free period..what should i do?? when will i get my next period?? do i have to take medicine for delaying period during my marriage..?? or this blood free period is the real period of this month and i dont have to worry about it happening during my marriage..plzz replyy fast... |