Hi Menstrupedia, Why is it not allowed to have headbath during 1st 2 days of menstruation... |
This is a myth which might have origination from earlier times when people used rivers or ponds as a source of common drinking water, bathing and for other house hold work. These sources were public places and bathing during periods would have caused embarrassment for women and uneasiness for others. This could be a possible reason for forbidding menstruating women/girl from take bath or head bath. In modern times where people have private bathroom, the belief of not bathing during periods in a total misconception and a myth generally propagated from the elder female members of the family. One should bathe everyday and it’s important to bathe during menstruation to maintain proper cleanliness and hygiene. There is no proven scientific or medical fact which support that head-bath should not be taken during menstruation. Reference http://www.indusladies.com/forums/pregnancy/15253-head-bath-during-first-month.html |
This seems to be a myth; One can always take bath during periods. I bathe during menstruation and have not faced any problem, I rather feel it more important to bathe during those day so that we can be fresh and clean. |
hi there are always reasons for what had been told in olden days. we may feel its better to take a bath even twice a day during periods. but the fact behind the olden words is, our body produces heat during that time to eliminate the wastes from the uterus, so when we reduce the temperature of the body by taking head bath may lead to stagnation of some of the matters in the uterus itself... this may lead to infection at course of time and even hormonal imbalance. its better to clean the private parts to stay hygiene. please look fro the scientific approach fro everything told rather than looking for the societal reasons. |