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week a ago i had a sex with my gf ... Its an unprotected sex ..but i'm pretty sure im nt cum.. Tommorow is her period day . But yesterday she sayd she feels like period but only few drops of blood . Then today she sayd that she feels nothng like yesterday , no pain no blood n nothng . Is that a implantation breeding or normal ?

asked Oct 31 '14 at 22:49

blakes's gravatar image


You can get your girlfriend pregnant if you put your penis in her vagina even if you do not cum. Your sperm are not only in your ejaculate. Sperm are also in the clear liquid that comes out of your penis, which is called pre-cum.

You can get your girlfriend pregnant during any part of her cycle. There is no sure way to prevent getting her pregnant if you are having unprotected sex. She could even get pregnant during her period.

It is impossible to know what caused the spotting (drops of blood) your girlfriend had or the sensations that reminded her of her period. Buy a pregnancy test and politely ask your girlfriend to take it.

There are pregnancy tests that are reliable before a missed period, but other pregnancy tests cannot be used that early. Check the over the counter pregnancy tests and follow the directions for the earliest day the test can reliably be used. Your girlfriend can take the pregnancy test on the day given on the directions. She must be sure to follow all of the pregnancy test directions carefully.

If the pregnancy test shows that your girlfriend isn't pregnant, her period may show up in a few days after she is not longer so worried. If her period is still delayed after a few days ask her to take another pregnancy test because the tests are more reliable when a woman has been pregnant longer.

Find out where you can buy condoms in your size, then learn how to use them safely. Make sure you read and follow the directions that come with your condoms. There are multiple steps to using condoms properly, but it is easy to learn them. Also, ask if you have any questions about proper condom use. Different men prefer different condoms, so try different types. Do not use "natural" or "lambskin" condoms because they do not stop the spread of sexually transmitted infections.


answered Nov 04 '14 at 20:09

Monica902's gravatar image

Monica902 ♦

Well it might be implantation bleeding. Once ovulation take place, progesterone helps in preparing the uterus for the implantation of the fertilized egg. In case you do not conceive, this process will take place every month. It is considered that the implantation moment happen when the blastocyst (fertilized egg) embeds itself into the uterine lining. Many women face implantation bleeding the day before their period. As far as your concern, it depends what brand of pregnancy test you have used to confirm the pregnancy. I think you should consult with doctor and go to pathology, instead of trying your own to know what you have. Don’t remain confused for long, go and take doctors opinion quickly.


answered Feb 10 '15 at 06:44

LanceHigginbotham's gravatar image


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Asked: Oct 31 '14 at 22:49

Seen: 58,360 times

Last updated: Dec 07 '15 at 14:04

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