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Gender: Male Age: 22 I read this on 22page in quick guide. Physical changes that occur during puberty in boys Ability to ejaculate Boys become capable of ejaculating which is ejection of semen through the penis. The first ejaculation marks the attainment of sexual maturity in a boy’s life.

I have never masturbated but i did have night fall few times. I do see porn and I have tried masturbating but couldn't. Am I healthy? Do I need to see a doctor?

asked Oct 30 '12 at 06:18

healthyboy's gravatar image


edited Nov 06 '12 at 00:05

tuhinpaul's gravatar image

tuhinpaul ♦

As per the details provided by you, your symptoms seem to point to a condition called Delayed ejaculation. Causes of delayed ejaculation could be physical or psychological in nature. In my opinion, your condition does not have a physical cause, since you've mentioned in the question that you have had nightfalls a few times before. I would strongly suggest that before jumping to conclusions, you see a trusted doctor who specializes in this field or you may see your primary doctor who may then refer you to an appropriate specialist. Delayed ejaculation could lead to undue stress in your married life. For your convenience here are a few details about delayed ejaculation:

What is delayed ejaculation?

Delayed ejaculation(also known as impaired ejaculation) is a condition where a man takes an extended amount of time(more than 30 mins) to reach climax and ejaculate or might not be able to ejaculate at all. This condition could be temporary or permanent. It is normal for men to have delayed ejaculation from time to time. But if the condition persists for months together, one should seek medical help.

Possible causes

Psychological causes:

  1. Stress, depression, anxiety
  2. A strict religious background that makes the person view sex as sinful
  3. Lack of attraction for a partner

Physical causes:

  1. Certain birth defects affecting the male reproductive system
  2. Injury to the pelvic nerves that control orgasm
  3. Certain infections
  4. Prostate surgery, such as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) or prostate removal
  5. Heart disease
  6. Prostate infection or urinary tract infection
  7. Neurological diseases, such as diabetic neuropathy, stroke or nerve damage to the spinal cord
  8. Hormone-related conditions, such as low thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) or low testosterone

Medication and other substances:

  1. Antidepressant medication
  2. Too much consumption of alcohol







answered Oct 30 '12 at 13:53

tuhinpaul's gravatar image

tuhinpaul ♦

edited Mar 03 '13 at 10:40

aditigupta's gravatar image

aditigupta ♦

Hi Tuhin, Thanks for your reply.

Now I know benefits of masturbation more nicely. I guess I need to pin point that I don't get any urge for masturbating. And wet-dreams are also not very common. I don't remember if I had any in last one month. But it used to happen before. As you told about the benefits, I guess I miss a good way of relieving stress and uplifting mood. I tried but couldn't succeed.

(Nov 01 '12 at 15:52) healthyboy healthyboy's gravatar image

Hi healthyboy, I have edited my answer and hope this answers your question appropriately.

(Nov 02 '12 at 13:12) tuhinpaul ♦ tuhinpaul's gravatar image

I want to know one more thing. As you said, doctor who "specializes in this field", what should I look for? Gynecologist are for women, sexologist is hard to find. What exactly I should look for? I can't consult our family doctor for this. Since I am 22 I can go to doctor of my own. And if it turns out to some big thing then I would be better to get it routed through family. I knew this problem from years but didn't pay heed as I was focusing on career. Though I googled about it but didn't find so accurate and pin point answer. I guess it is better to a see a doctor now.

(Nov 05 '12 at 17:08) healthyboy healthyboy's gravatar image

You can either visit a urologist or a sex therapist. Urologist is more specialized in physical causes where as sex therapist is specialized in psychological causes. Please visit a well reputed doctor only.

(Nov 06 '12 at 00:03) tuhinpaul ♦ tuhinpaul's gravatar image

Dear Healthy Boy,

Nice to know your interest in a subject like puberty and sharing with us your condition. As per the information given various physical, emotional and psychological changes take place in a girl and boy when they attain puberty. In case of a boy/man formation of sperm and it's ejection marks the attainment of puberty. However, in your case having night falls/wet dreams/nocturnal emission or premature ejaculation is a normal phenomenon and is as natural as periods in girls. However, watching porn and masturbating is altogether a personal choice and has nothing to do with a person's health. Masturbating is just a means to vent up sexual tension when you do not have an active sexual partner and for ejaculating you need to reach a certain state of climax. Going by the age you are in you need to concentrate on your career and studies rather than worrying about seeing a doctor. When the right time comes, you'll be able to perform all the actions.


answered Oct 30 '12 at 09:43

vivaan's gravatar image



As long as you get an erection and also get night falls, you seem to be healthy. Night fall is natures way of releasing the excessive sperms/semen produced by the body. Also, you have no control on it and it juts happens when one is asleep. Getting a nightfall also indicates that you can ejaculate normally.

Not able to ejaculate while masturbating seems unclear. Depends how long you tried and whether you were sufficiently excited or no. Also depends if were able to achieve proper erection at that time. I guess too early to consult a doctor, you should try out a few times and I am sure you would be able to ejaculate.

All the best.

Decent Lover


answered Jun 04 '13 at 13:45

Decent's gravatar image


I think men generally loose their ejaculation power. Eating healthy diet esp rich in nuts, dates and milk can help in men sexual health. Also herbal supplements are of great benefit and has helped many. Check [Edited: promotional links not allowed] and see that it has helped many or you may also look for other pills like Extenze. Research over different herbal supplements and decide whats best for you.


answered Sep 11 '13 at 07:23

andrewmaclom's gravatar image


edited Sep 12 '13 at 03:54

aditigupta's gravatar image

aditigupta ♦

It sounds like healthyboy is indeed a healthy boy but simply lacks arousal. Porn does not generally turn everyone on (I don't find it arousing at all!) and you sound as though you have concentrated a lot on your career, thus leaving less time and energy for sexual pursuits. It may take some years to find a partner you find arouses these feelings in you if they do not naturally arise within you. At least you know everything works fine down there, and if you are happy with no sexual tension, then continue as you are. It takes time and experience to learn methods of pleasuring the self. Take this time to learn what you like, what turns you on (something will, eventually! ) and this knowledge of your self will help if ever you find a partner or thoughts of one to be arousing.

It all starts with the mind - unless your mind is turned on, your body will not follow willingly. Good luck to you. I hope you find your joy and sexual happiness. Everyone deserves sexual happiness.


answered Oct 11 '13 at 09:28

Mischa's gravatar image


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Asked: Oct 30 '12 at 06:18

Seen: 48,269 times

Last updated: Oct 11 '13 at 09:28

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