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Hi, My age is 23,height 5'4 and body weight is 62 kg. I have completed MS recently( Dec 2013) and looking for job now. My menstrual cycle is irregular at all times usually it comes after 2-3 months and last cycle timings are-Aug 15, sep 20,oct 30, dec 1...But I didn't get my periods till now-March 8 even though I don't have any problems with health conditions , will have food 3 times a day with tea, break fast, lunch and dinner too.I have taken thyroid test and the report shows that there is no negative feedback. One of the reason I think so is the stressed conditions, over weight and insufficient diet. At some times I get anger without any reasons, lust full thoughts, cannot concentrate on studies, love to eat more. Can you please suggest the solution for this problem.

asked Mar 09 '14 at 19:42

priyabangaram's gravatar image


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Asked: Mar 09 '14 at 19:42

Seen: 6,399 times

Last updated: Mar 09 '14 at 19:42

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