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Hi, I am 4-5 weeks pregnant, and me and my husband dont want to have a baby now. we have consulted gynecologist. she have prescribed Regestrone 5mg tablets for 3 days and expecting periods after 7 days. so my question is, is it possible to terminate pregnancy with these tablets?

asked Apr 11 '16 at 03:43

swatid's gravatar image


Regestrone is a birth control pill. As you are 4-5 weeks pregnant and want to terminate pregnancy, i'll suggest you to go for medical method of abortion which includes two drugs mifepristone and misoprostol (MTP Kit). MTP Pill Kit contains one pill of Mifepristone (200 mg) and four pills of Misoprostol (800 mcg total) for safely terminating an intrauterine early pregnancy.A woman can end up the pregnancy until 10th week of gestational period. You can buy MTP pill Kit online **www.buyabortionmtppill.com/**


answered May 05 '17 at 08:16

JonesHarvey02's gravatar image


edited May 05 '17 at 08:19

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Asked: Apr 11 '16 at 03:43

Seen: 20,558 times

Last updated: May 05 '17 at 08:19

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