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one year back one of my friend delivered a baby through cesarian. and she is still suffering from problems like back pain etc..she told that these problems will last for the entire life.so i want to know what are the precautions that have to take during as well as before pregnancy to have a safe and normal delivery..

asked Mar 11 '14 at 04:22

pari's gravatar image


edited May 16 '14 at 11:20

karijoh's gravatar image

karijoh ♦♦

I had the same question as you did when I became pregnant. An aunt advised me to keep active throughout - she had washed clothes (by hand) right till the last day and gave birth normally and easily. I had heard this kind of anecdotal advice before as well, including from professional washerwomen (chakali).

Good nutrition is of course important and, as I learned after becoming pregnant, should start well ahead of pregnancy. As should good exercise.

There are of course exercises you can learn that specifically help you relax and also strengthen the muscles that you will need at the time of giving birth.

And the most important preparation of all is mental. Imagine that you were climbing a mountain or running a marathon. You would prepare physically and also mentally. Have people around you who believe in you, who will cheer you on, who will say, "you can do it!"

My midwife advised me to do most of my labour at home.

Pregnancy is normal and so is giving birth. Today however, many women, particularly in urban and semi-urban areas are finding that it is harder to have a normal delivery than in earlier times. A friend in a rural area once told me, "if you live near the road point, you will have a Cesarean." It doesn't have to be this way! (A topic for another day.)

If you are inclined to read, here are some books that helped me gain confidence and look forward to giving birth:

Henci Goer, Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth Barbara Harper, Suzanne Arms, Gentle Birth Choices - especially the video

There are so many amazing resources but those are good for starters.


answered Mar 19 '14 at 04:07

Aravinda's gravatar image


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Asked: Mar 11 '14 at 04:22

Seen: 18,371 times

Last updated: May 16 '14 at 11:20

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