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Hello! I am in the average age range of when I should get my first period.

Two days or so ago, I saw a bright red dot of blood in my underwear. I'm really confused about it. I thought it might be spotting, but it was only one drop of blood. A small one at that, less than half the size of a dime. I'm positive it was blood, and I'm positive it couldn't have been from a shaving cut, since I haven't shaved before that happened. I want to call it spotting, but it's only a small drop of blood.. could it still be spotting? Or is this not spotting at all? Was it my first period?

I also bring up the word "infection" because it could be that too, but I have no infection symptoms.

Can someone please help me? I can't find any articles on it anywhere, and it's making me pretty anxious!

P.S. I have all symptoms of my period coming. I am having cramps and so on.

asked Dec 03 '16 at 18:13

aussie's gravatar image


From what you have described, I don't think it is infection. It must be spotting. First periods could be irregular and you might bleed very little, may be just a drop initially in your entire cycle. Seems normal to me.


answered Dec 06 '16 at 08:31

karijoh's gravatar image

karijoh ♦♦

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Asked: Dec 03 '16 at 18:13

Seen: 6,702 times

Last updated: Dec 06 '16 at 08:31

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