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I usually use to have regular periods, if there comes any changes it will be only one or two days difference. Am married, its been more than 2 years, we use to have sex with out using any precautions but we use to pull out. For last three months we are trying to have baby, i mean we dont use to pull out. In the first month we had sex when my period date is near, so i dnt miss my period in that month. In the scenod nd third months we use had sex in almost all ovulation time but i dont get pregnant, also in both this month i got periods very lately which takes 10 days gaping. Why is this happening?

asked Mar 11 '17 at 03:29

Rasha's gravatar image


edited Oct 10 '17 at 03:38

mansi's gravatar image

mansi ♦♦

Most common causes of irregular periods:

Eating disorders, like anorexia and bulimia. Excessive weight gain or weight loss. Extreme thinness or obesity. Stress or emotional problems. By following ways you can get regular periods.

Low stress:- Over stress leads to irregular periods. So, level of stress should be low. Include meditation and exercise in routine. Diet:- You need to improve the foods you eat or supplement your diet with vitamins, minerals and herbs and have some excellent nutritional products that can support your cycle for example Maca Root Powder.

Drugs:Excessive use of drugs can and does affect the menstrual cycle, they affect the physiology or biology or the body and also affect your emotional and mental health.

Excessive exercise:- Excessive exercise can cause irregularity of periods that is why over exercise must not be there.

If your periods are irregular by few days then it is normal you do not need to worry about it. If it is irregular by many days and even after following these ways you are not getting regular periods then you must see a doctor and ask about it. The doctor may prescribe hormone pills or other medication or may recommend lifestyle changing that can help you to have regular periods. It would be good to see a doctor because if you are sexually active and your periods has missed then it could be a sign of pregnancy.

Sources:- http://www.menstruation.com.au/periodpages/irregular.html http://kidshealth.org/en/teens/irregular-periods.html#


answered Oct 10 '17 at 03:36

mansi's gravatar image

mansi ♦♦

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Asked: Mar 11 '17 at 03:29

Seen: 4,949 times

Last updated: Oct 10 '17 at 03:38

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