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My problem is regarding irregular period and delay in period. I m age of 22 years. My periods is irregular or delay 10 to 15 days always. But now my last period in 28 November 2015.. But after that till today period stop. Delay in period approximately two months. Last year in 23 june 2015 , i had sex with my boyfriend but after i took i- pill and my period continued till November last. I meet with the doctor now and she had test thyroid and some other blood test . those are normal no any issue in it. But know she suggest me for ultrasound. My question is that its any major dicease or common and treatment of this is possible. And second question is that there is any chances of pregnancy..?? What am i do in this situation ?? Is it symptom of pregnancy ?? Can i do test of pregnancy ?? Plz give me answer asap..

asked Feb 18 '16 at 11:01

sneha's gravatar image


Similar question has already been answered before. Refer this link http://questions.menstrupedia.com/answer_link/1238/


answered Oct 10 '17 at 03:28

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Asked: Feb 18 '16 at 11:01

Seen: 5,562 times

Last updated: Oct 10 '17 at 03:28

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