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i had my first period when i was 11. i never had sex. i am 16 presently. i missed my period and i am very much worried. what should i do ?

asked Oct 28 '14 at 17:09

coolgirl's gravatar image


I'd suggest tracking your period. If you know the date your last period began, keep it handy. If you feel fine and are eating well, then watch your calendar. If you miss three periods, see your doctor.

It's not unusual for a teen to miss a period and there can be a number of reasons. Teen hormone fluctuations can cause missed periods. Stress can also make you miss a period. If you are an athlete who engages in a lot of strenuous exercise, that could be why you missed your period. If you are on hormonal birth control that may have caused you to miss your period, so tell your doctor what happened, if you are on hormonal birth control. Not having enough to eat causes some teens with eating disorders to stop getting their periods. There are also other medical causes for missed periods.

If you still feel worried, you might want to see a doctor since this is such a change for your body. Seeing the doctor may set your mind at ease and help your doctor help you.

It sounds like you understand you can't be pregnant, if you have not had penetrative sex.


answered Oct 28 '14 at 17:41

Monica902's gravatar image

Monica902 ♦

edited Nov 06 '14 at 23:37

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Asked: Oct 28 '14 at 17:09

Seen: 9,357 times

Last updated: Nov 28 '14 at 00:27

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