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My wife got her periods on 25th July and on 6th August we had unprotected sex followed by an ipill (emergency Contraceptive pill) which she had in 4 hours after the act. On 7th august we had protected sex 3 times with new condoms for each act and after each act she washed herself with water.

13th Aug she had bleeding like her periods but less flow(60% bleeding, considering 100%bleeding during her normal periods), no pain, with very few clots(1-3 clots instead of 8-9) and it was there for 3 days almost(on and off). Her periods were due on 25th Aug (she has irregular periods sometimes).

We did a home pregnancy test that week with negative result and did the second pregnancy test on 5th Sept again with negative result.

We also did UPT in Lab with negative result on 14th Sept.

She has no symptoms of pregnancy. On 17th she felt cramps and abdominal pain followed by thick white discharge. Is it sign of pregnancy? or is it sign of period coming? Is she pregnant? PS: we dint had any intercourse after that.

asked Sep 20 '15 at 02:14

aksbhakti's gravatar image


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Asked: Sep 20 '15 at 02:14

Seen: 5,348 times

Last updated: Dec 07 '15 at 14:11

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