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Hello I'm 22yrs female my marriage is on may 6th 2017 and my periods time is 6th (28days cycle) I want to get periods before May 1st, as many customs periods time not to get marry............. So please give me a suggestion and what is the process to get periods before my periods time? Thanking you

From Suma

asked Apr 04 '17 at 11:58

sumaM's gravatar image


edited Sep 26 '17 at 04:27

mansi's gravatar image

mansi ♦♦

Lillte late to answer but this may help others in future.

I experienced the same problem and I guess every girl faces a time when she has to prepone her period twice or thrice in a year due to some ocassions. Actually, there is no medicine to prepone your period but with the changes in your diet you can certainly prepone your period a day or two prior to your usual date. Here's what I did -

  1. Eat a lot of papayas or pineapple 10 days prior to your period date 2. Drink pomegranate juice twice or thrice a day 7 days before your date. 3. Drink honey mixed with fresh ginger. 4. Try including pumpkin in your diet.

You can try other foods mentioned here in this article too - 'How To Prepone Menstruation'.

From my experience, papaya works best!

Cheers and wish you a happy married life!


answered Aug 25 '17 at 11:48

Milli's gravatar image


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Asked: Apr 04 '17 at 11:58

Seen: 5,449 times

Last updated: Sep 26 '17 at 04:27

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