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I'd like to know what should be the appropriate time gap that ejaculation should be carried out either explicitly or forcefully(by self). Also if done everyday can it affect our body severely? Please do comment. Also how to avoid addiction?

asked Jun 03 '13 at 15:25

jam's gravatar image


closed Jan 27 '18 at 03:21

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Dear Jam,

You have basically asked all the questions men have about masturbation.

First the simple answers

There is no prescribed or recommended ideal frequency for ejaculation. So you don’t have to do it because that’s what the doctor ordered. Masturbating everyday will not affect your body – neither severely nor even lightly. And about how to avoid addiction the simplest answer is be sensible about it.

BTW Your use the words "explicit" and "forceful" in your question. You may probably have not meant it, but nothing has to be "forceful" or for that matter "explicit" about masturbation. I would personally recommend doing it gently and in private.

Now to the detailed reply

Boys get their hormones (testosterone, mainly) around the age of 15-16 though some are capable of having sex much earlier than that. I have seen a cases in London where 11 and 12 years old boys have fathered children !

In conservative cultures such as ours, wherein having sex prior to marriage is unacceptable to the society, a vast majority of adolescent boys have no other way to calm their hormones except masturbation and enjoy the temporary relief that it offers. Sexual intercourse, by the way, does not offer any more "lasting relief"!.

Masturbation and guilt

The worst thing is to masturbate and feel guilty. Associating guilt with masturbation is quite an easy thing to do, quite often you don't even need your priest to do the association. I know of friends of all faiths who would not masturbate on the day they were to get their exam result or the day India Pakistan played an ODI. That would quite easily cause the results to go all wrong! So if there is a religious sanction against it, it makes it all the more worse.

Several religions, especially the semitc faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) condemn masturbation in no uncertain terms. I am told there are quotations in their holy books that condemn masturbation as a sin. Now that is something that i cannot argue against with my humble non-divine logic, so the conversation ends right here. I am old enough to accept and respect any belief, however different it is to mine, so no disrespect. For those who are more interested in physiology over theology, please continue reading.

Then should you masturbate at all ?

The answer to that is extremely simple, you should masturbate regularly to avoid having wet dreams. Obviously for practical reasons of avoiding mid-night embarrassments!

Testosterone the male hormone is released from your testes every day. Apart from its sexual functions it also has a role in other metabolic functions to keep your body healthy so you should not wish away testosterone. On the sexual front it gives you the urge to have sex, the physical ability i.e. erection and at a cellular level, the production of sperms and other secretions needed for "productive" sex. So if you are not sexually active the various glandular secretions from what are called as accessory sex organs such as the prostrate or the seminal vesicles accumulate. It may be interesting for you to note that only 10% of ejaculated semen is sperm. The remaining 90% odd are secretions from various other glands such as the prostrate, seminal vesicles and other glands that produce the mucus which keeps the sperm healthy and nourished. It is mainly the accumulation of these secretions that create some sort of an irritation in the internal system which in some ways triggers a need for sex.

If you cannot have real sex then masturbation is medically and socially a well recommended option. It is amazing how good and relaxed you feel at the end of an ejaculation provided of course you have not conditioned yourself to any guilt feeling with masturbation. .

From a medical perspective it wouldn't harm your body at all if you chose not to masturbate. But I am not sure you will enjoy getting on with your daily routine with so much of sexual feeling.

Addiction to Sex

In terms of being addicted to sex it is not as common a problem as you seem to fear. Well publicized cases of sexual addiction be it Tiger woods’ or Charlie Sheen make up a minuscule proportion of the general population. Most of the questions I am asked refer to the frequency of 2 to 3 times a week and I don’t see that as a problem even if it is something you do every day. You eat three times a day. Surely you can’t worry about being addicted to eating. Why should you call masturbating once a day a sign of addiction ? Of course I have also heard from patients, middle aged men who need to masturbate five times a day. Something which affected his day to day work - now that is addiction.

I don’t think a doctor can put a figure where normalcy ends and addiction begins. If it is unnatural, if it is affecting your day to day life and work, then you have a problem.


answered Jun 17 '13 at 01:50

Dr%20Bhide's gravatar image

Dr Bhide

edited Jul 07 '13 at 07:51


Masturbation should be done only when one is sexually excited. There is no rule to carry out ejaculation at a certain interval. The human body has its own way, through night falls, of replacing the old sperms/semen with new ones.

Doing it everyday is not harmful, just that should not be overdone and should be done only when sufficiently excited. It should be done only when you have a strong urge to release your sexual tension and sexual stress, then ejaculation through an orgasm would be highly satisfying.

Self control is the only way to avoid addiction.

Decent Lover


answered Jun 04 '13 at 13:52

Decent's gravatar image


Masturbation is a great way to lessen tension in your body. It's a very safe way to have an orgasm. And it's probably the best way to learn about how your body likes to be loved. But masturbation, like most things, takes practice. And the only way to learn about your own sexual response is to try it.


answered Aug 27 '14 at 07:19

anneyauster's gravatar image


I am 32 Years and getting married in next 2 months. I started doing masturbation since 15 years onwards.Will it create any problems in my married life? Will I be satisfy my wife and will i be able to give birth to a child or not?? I am just worried about it.. Please guys suggest me on this..

I generally do masturbutation for more then an hour before it leak out the sperms(till i get the mood to leak out the spersm) till that time i masturbutate and control before leaking

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered Aug 31 '14 at 08:18

srimocha's gravatar image


Its been 17 years since you doing masturbation and there is nothing unusual as many of us start doing masturbation at the age 14 or 15. Even in my case the same, since the age of 15 I have started masturbation and now I am 32 years old and married since 2 years. I have 1 year old kid and he is healthy and fine.

What I want to prove or convey to you with above my statement is, its all how you strong mentally and keep yourself healthy. There is no harm doing masturbation everyday but make sure you don't think much about it after doing and feel guilty. Keep yourself busy to avoid access of masturbation otherwise daily once or some time twice is fine I say.

So don't worry , since you are getting married soon you better stop doing masturbation till you get married and in your first night you can enjoy good sex.

Hope you this will help you.


answered Apr 15 '15 at 04:11

Rajdolove's gravatar image


I am 32 years old and doing masturbation at the age of 15 however I married and have one year old kid. I still do masturbation some time, I have came across a problem, now a days when I am having sex, between our sex session I loose my erection and after that its very difficult to get the erection again, not sure why this is happening.

If someone can suggest or help me, I am very healthy and too sexual minded but this strange thing happening since last one month.


answered Apr 15 '15 at 04:19

Rajdolove's gravatar image


Hallo there I have a question,I do masturbate everyday is it harmful?but not every single day sometimes I do have a gap.. I need advise please.


answered Oct 05 '15 at 19:22

Parvin's gravatar image


I am a 34 year old woman and presently a care taker of 8 boys in a boarding.....I make sure each and every boy masturbates twice a day as it keeps them stress free and healthy......i have been doing this since 6 years and i see my boys doing well and feeling confident in life ......teenage boys should make masturbation a good habit


answered Apr 14 '16 at 05:11

Suma%20gabriel's gravatar image

Suma gabriel

I agree with you Ms. Suma Gabriel and I really appreciate the way you take care of your boys by making each of them masturbate twice a day. In my opinion, everyone should include masturbation in their daily routine as daily masturbation proves to be very useful in relieving tension and stress.


answered Oct 15 '16 at 12:14

ramu_coolhimesh's gravatar image


I don't think we have got it right. There’s this ebook at Amazon website that kind of proves that masturbation until now considered as good for health, is grossly wrong (you don’t need Amazon Kindle device if you don’t have one, as they have freely downloadable Amazon Kindle App for mobile phone, tablet and laptop). The book shows how masturbation is terribly harmful for long term for health.

Link to ebook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075VCCTJX

I haven’t really seen any such book before. It shows how masturbation is creating mass scale health, social and environmental issues, and negativity in the world. It was an interesting reading, opening up realities, which are unique and not-so-usual knowledge that blew my mind away and shaken a bit for some time, as to what the heck are we following until now.

Though I liked chapter no.4 onwards the most, but I would suggest reading Forewords, Introduction, etc. before jumping on directly to chapter no.1. Chapter nos.1, 2, & 3 cover basics (and not so basics also), then starts the real thing of the book from chapter no.4 all the way till the end. It also includes opinions of many other medical, yoga, etc. sciences on what all these think about semen and masturbation.

I have as a matter of fact stopped masturbation completely, and may be you will too after you read this book entirely. I feel even better now and less anxious about it anymore. The knowledge in this book may be helped me do away with the confusions about it, and so I am fine and more energetic without masturbating. It seems the NO MASTURBATION movement is starting up. It is always difficult to accept once we know that what we were thinking or doing all lifetime was instead wrong.


answered Nov 16 '17 at 05:26

Billy's gravatar image


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Asked: Jun 03 '13 at 15:25

Seen: 854,360 times

Last updated: Jan 27 '18 at 03:21

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