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I am 36, no children and I have PCOS. I have had a pap within the last 2 years. I have always been irregular , and in the last 5 years my periods got to the point of almost only yearly, but very light. I feel kinda crazy, but since I now have 2 foster daughters, I now have periods when each of them do. However this means ive had my period for 3 weeks now. It's REALLY heavy (2 hr tampon, accidents and tons of lining) when I'm at home with the girl who is on birth control for hormone therapy. When I'm at work, I don't even need a tampon usually. Help please!

asked Aug 20 '14 at 04:05

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Asked: Aug 20 '14 at 04:05

Seen: 4,255 times

Last updated: Aug 20 '14 at 04:05

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