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I am 32 Years and getting married in next 2 months. I started doing masturbation since 15 years onwards.Will it create any problems in my married life while doing sex with my partner? Will I be satisfy my wife and will i be able to give birth to a child or not?? I am just worried about it.. Please guys suggest me on this.. I generally do masturbutation for more then an hour before it leak out the sperms(till i get the mood to leak out the spersm) till that time i masturbutate and control before leaking

asked Aug 31 '14 at 12:34

srimocha's gravatar image


Previous masturbation will NOT affect your sex life with your new wife.I imagine it will take the back seat when you engage in sexual activity with your wife anyhow.Regarding the previous answer, masturbation is not learned,like a school lesson,it is a completely natural activity which both girls and boys (not all necessarily) do after the onset of puberty. Maybe your culture expects a man to marry by the age of 25, but here in the West marriage earlier or later is completely normal.I hope you have a very happy married life.


answered Oct 28 '14 at 10:03

Britchick's gravatar image


Dear Srimocha, I am happy to read that you are enjoying your life by way of masturbation. But I want to know how you learnt to do masturbation at the age of 14. Really it will affect a man.s sex life. You are now 32 years old and you are a bachelor still.Please do not mistake me, can I ask a question that have you ever have sexual relationship with your girl friend. But do not inform your would be that you were having this habit.Marriage should be done before the age of 25.Any how have a nice and blessed marriage and enjoy life.Try to avoid masturbation now and have a nice fun with your wife to come soon. Any how you must satisfy her.More time should be given to Foreplay before actual intercourse. Wish you a happy married life.


answered Oct 03 '14 at 20:31

brave2014's gravatar image


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Asked: Aug 31 '14 at 12:34

Seen: 30,457 times

Last updated: Oct 28 '14 at 10:03

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