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My girlfriend used to have regular periods before 23 Feb. We were intimate with each other on 26 March but never had sex. She didn't take any contraceptive pill too. But her periods have not come yet. She consulted doctor and doctor told her to take deviry for 5 days and wait for 7 days then. But periods didn't occur. Then doctor gave her NORMONAL CR and lynoral for 5 days. Still there are no signs of Menstrual periods. She took the hCG count test and doctor told her that hCG count is at the edge. We are confused now and don't know what should be our next step. What can also be the possibilities of these irregular periods. 2 months are completed before her last period.

asked Apr 23 '17 at 04:39

Sanjay12345's gravatar image


edited Oct 10 '17 at 06:38

mansi's gravatar image

mansi ♦♦

Similar question has already been answered. Refer this link http://questions.menstrupedia.com/questions/1029/why-i-am-having-irregular-periods/1238


answered Oct 10 '17 at 06:33

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mansi ♦♦

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Asked: Apr 23 '17 at 04:39

Seen: 5,191 times

Last updated: Oct 10 '17 at 06:38

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