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My wife and I indulged only in foreplay without any sexual intercourse. I had an underwear on while she was naked and there was no penetration. I had a very, very small patch of pre-cum on my underwear but I did my best to make sure there was no vaginal contact. She usually gets her period within 29 to 30 days. Also we had this encounter on the 27th day of her current cycle, which is generally considered a safe period. During the last cycle she got her periods almost 4 days early, i.e. on 26th day instead of 29th or 30th day. It is the 34th day today and she still has not got her periods. In the past there were a couple of occasions in which she got her period on 32nd and 33rd day. Is there a chance that periods in a certain cycle get delayed if it is early in the previous cycle. We are worried, can you please advise

asked Feb 24 '17 at 05:49

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Asked: Feb 24 '17 at 05:49

Seen: 4,703 times

Last updated: Feb 24 '17 at 05:49

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