Hi, I really appericiate your venture Menstrupedia regarding women health. This time i have come up with a problem and needs your urgent expert advice. Me and my partner are very strongly committed to each other.On 18 october we indulge into a foreplay to avoid pregnancy we refrain from having sex. Now my girlfriend periods is to be due on 2 november and till date her periods haven't been started. Since her periods are delayed by 14 days there is a lot tension going around as she is having a problem of constipation with blood, white discharge, 5-6 times urinating in a day and from past 2 days she is feeling a sensation of something flowing in vagina but on checking nothing is seen to be flowing. Our questions with lot of tension (1)is there a slight chance of getting pregnant by indulging in foreplay as i m pretty sure i have washed my hand evrytime sperm has been ejaculated..(2)Symptoms that my girlfreind is feeling is the symptoms of pregnancy. Please do reply ASAP as we both are in much tension. Expert advice is needed, sought for and appericiated. Thanks in advance. Do reply soon. . |