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hi my age is 23.i had married 10mth.up to 6 months we were not plan for pregancy.ihave irregular periods problem. after consulting doctor,doctor says u have hormons prblm ,and thiroid test is positive ,we planned for pregancy.she recomended some medicines for regular periods.i take medicines at that time only peroid will come next mnth oeriod will not come,present i stopped medicines.and try for pregnent.present 3 months are passed away. i did not get period or pregnent. now when i went to toilet i have 2 ,3 drops of blood .it occurs only two times per day.it continues from one week.what represent this. please give me reply

asked Mar 08 '14 at 04:37

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mounika prabhakar

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Asked: Mar 08 '14 at 04:37

Seen: 2,066 times

Last updated: Mar 08 '14 at 04:37

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